example: bash scriptlets in one file

The above examples can be put into a file with a copy/paste (one to a file)
  • Name the file something(?)
  • Do a chmod +x on file
  • If you have your own little bin dir put in there (helps if you set-up a path for this)
  • Test it out!

In troubleshooting I needed a quick way to visualize some data scraping, so wrote a couple of quick and dirty bash scripts. Going to add more as time goes on, will be a mini-repo along with an explain how/what is going on with each script.

The first one will grab a directory to read, and then out-puts size k/m/g/t along with complete path.

echo "enter directory, press Enter"
read dir
array=($(ls  "$dir"))
echo -e "-----------------------\n"

for elm in "${array[@]}";
    cat_elm=$(echo ${dir}/${elm})
    if [ -d "${cat_elm}" ]
      output= eval du -sh ${cat_elm}
      echo -n "$output"|tr '\n' ' '

And example of the output on a mac.

trident-2:~ edrantanen$ ./bash_test.sh
enter directory, press Enter

140K        /usr/local/bin
 67M        /usr/local/git
692K        /usr/local/share

The second script uses locate (making sure that updatedb has been done) along with ls -lh for an output. I used this recently to look for all the nohup.out files on a system, found more than had first realized existed.

echo "enter word to find, press Enter"
read word
array=($(locate  "$word"))
echo -e "-----------------------\n"

for elm in "${array[@]}";
   output= eval  ls -lh "$elm"
   echo "$output" |tr '\n' ' '