Nyble a Day

Articles dans la catégorie «network» :

IP Header: Bit fields.

Dans «network» par Ed Rantanen

This is an on going project with sniffing protocols.

Working my way through the IP header I started wonder why many of the structs have ihl before the version when in the rfc 791 it shows the version before ihl.  This is the original struct I was playing with also …

Finding Serial Ports with C#

Dans «network» par Ed Rantanen

Before starting another project that utilizes an Arduino and a JY-MCU Bluetooth module,  a quick little experiment was done with C# on different platforms.  Also I used MonoDevelop and MS Visual Studio as the build mechanism (to see if they might make a difference as well). The quick experiments showed …

IP Header, what it really looks like.

Dans «network» par Ed Rantanen
Started the great experiment on promiscuous mode programing in "c".
(bit fragmented in thought)

I wasn't sure how working on a Mac inside a VirtualBox vm  running Ubuntu might work out, but so far things have been rolling along. As this is giving me a better understanding of how the …