Before starting another project that utilizes an Arduino and a JY-MCU Bluetooth module,  a quick little experiment was done with C# on different platforms.  Also I used MonoDevelop and MS Visual Studio as the build mechanism (to see if they might make a difference as well). The quick experiments showed me a couple of things, what the different os's are able to show of the serial ports with same code, and what is being offered in the way of data arrays.  Further investigating, which I do not show here with the System.IO and SerialPort has many different layers that in themselves deserve quick short write-ups.

The code is very simple:

using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Linq;
namespace serial_test
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            var port_list = SerialPort.GetPortNames ();
            foreach (var port in port_list) {
                Console.WriteLine (port);

When ran with Visual Studio on Windows 7, the output was an empty array of data,  in another version of code on the Win 7 box I checked for null at different levels. Each time it came back as 0.

This same code ran on OSX is interesting because of the result showing the Bluetooth


 And a the same code ran in Ubuntu inside of Virtual Box VM on OSX.
