I started to work on a project that needed to offer up a couple of data structures in a json format in a very simple method. This is part of mechanism using vis.js inside of trac's wiki. With a bit of reading installing vis.js into trac wasn't to difficult, and it works pretty good to boot!

So the next phase is to get Flask working. First a couple of steps that are pretty straight forward depending on your os. I did the initial build in Ubuntu, but have also done it in OS X as well.
If you don't have python get it. Then a quick couple of steps after that.
sudo easy_install pip
pip install flask
pip install flask-cors

   | "easy\_install" is part of python's setuptool mechanism.
   | "pip" is a python package manager of sorts.
   | "cors" is for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (more on that later)

Once these are installed, open up a text editor and type/paste in a
 "hello world"
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
Save the file as hello.py and on the command line when you put it together you get.
$ python hello.py
\* Running on - - [04/Aug/2014 21:49:35] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Open up a browser enter in either or localhost:5000
The address:port is default at 5000.
By changing the code a little bit you can begin to see many possibilities.
$ python hello.py
\* Running on - - [04/Aug/2014 21:52:33] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

So we just changed the port, you can change the default host as well.

Just a quick little intro, have fun and expand on the hello world.