Nyble a Day

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Radix and Patricia Trie

Dans «coding» par Ed Rantanen

I am trying to get some thoughts in-line to start working on a Radix Tree with binary numbers, so the first step was to create a simple decimal to binary trial.  I am still playing with the approach. The next step is to take the binary conversion and push it …

Finding Serial Ports with C#

Dans «network» par Ed Rantanen

Before starting another project that utilizes an Arduino and a JY-MCU Bluetooth module,  a quick little experiment was done with C# on different platforms.  Also I used MonoDevelop and MS Visual Studio as the build mechanism (to see if they might make a difference as well). The quick experiments showed …

The Buzz of Fizz code

Dans «coding» par Ed Rantanen
Update on this:
 Added tcl and c# to the group!

A friend was joking with me today about a simple test The BuzzFizz test, hmm?

It is a simple test to find in 100 iterations the multipliers of 3 & 5 and the combinations of the two.

I wrote up …

IP Header, what it really looks like.

Dans «network» par Ed Rantanen
Started the great experiment on promiscuous mode programing in "c".
(bit fragmented in thought)

I wasn't sure how working on a Mac inside a VirtualBox vm  running Ubuntu might work out, but so far things have been rolling along. As this is giving me a better understanding of how the …

perl and a fork'd script

Dans «coding» par Ed Rantanen

I had created an expect script the other day that was to gather some data, the script ran well but at times because of timing issues strange things seemed to happen with the data. So I broke the script apart and then built a launcher script in perl. This script …

xampp - a great tool

Dans «web testing» par Ed Rantanen

Just wanted to  throw out a  good word for xampp.

As I am trying to build up a collaborative space there seems to be a bit of free time here and there (ie coffee shop); server side scripts are a bit of a challenge to design/build. This is were …