If you look at the random circles and the random circles with colors, a bit of refactoring can be seen with regard to the Math.random. Math.floor was added to round down the decimal to an integer. Also the sizing has changed, as you run refresh you can see the printed result for both x and y.

Visually the big thing is the color fill. A random hex number is built and then applied to the fillStyle before the circle is built, once the circle is built, it is filled then then stroke is completed.

A note on the number 16777215 it is a mathematical sum of the 24-bit color scheme.

function myCircle(x,y,r){
 var ranColor = '#'+ Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);
 var start = 0;  var finish = 2*Math.PI;
   ctx.fillStyle = ranColor;
   ctx.arc(x,y,r,start, finish);