PY-Into 4
for loops
Lets start with a "for" loop, you can think of this as number of revolutions; if only one number is used such as 10 as a static number it is very limiting.
for elm in range(10):
res = elm * 2
A for loop using a single variable we are moving forward in being dynamic!
x = 10
for elm in range(x):
res = elm * 2
Now we start to get crazy by looping through lists and not just a single variable, the range is set by the size of the list so we can by pass its use.
a_group_of_numbers = [ 1,3,7, 9, 12]
for elm in a_group_of_numbers:
res = elm * 2
And now an iteration through a dictionary, as we do look at the concatenation and casting
a_dictionary = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
for key, value in a_dictionary.items():
value = str(value)
print(key + " : " + value)
while loops
A while loop will continue to cycle as long as its conditional statement is true. These statements can be hazard to your health, unlike a for loop that has a beginnings and an end, the while loop just goes and goes and goes.
while x < 10:
x =+ 1
Run the above code, what is the result?
What is the fix for the above code?What is the condition being set? or not set?
Here is a some real/sudo code, but the idea is for an example of socket listener for a web site with the idea of continuous running while loop.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error:
print 'Failed to create socket'
conn_good = 0
while(conn_godd == 0):
if client.recv() >= 4096:
conn_good = 1
elif client.timeout == "extreme":
conn_good = 1
print("keep running")