raylib intro
an intro
raylib what is it? Its a raw graphics lib!
First step would be to "pip" the package, if you look at the raylib python page hit has a some directions for installation. At this point we are not worried about python v2 or v3 so pull what ever your python currently have installed.
from raylibpy import *
ImportError: No module named 'raylibpy'
Once that is done.
Okay lets jump right in to some code, we will step through the first example.
The first example we have is a basic window that prints a string of text
How do we start
from raylibpy import *
with this line we have pulled in the raylib package/library
the next thing we will need to do is initiate a window, I have added a few vars to the line but later it will make sense why we might not want to hard code these, also within the init window, this is where you set the title to the window.
screen_width: int = 800
screen_height: int = 450
init_window(screen_width, screen_height, "the moving fox?")
Just like video we can set the frames per second right now they are set to 60, this be adjusted up or down depending on what you are doing.
Now building the contents of the window. There are two lines begin/end drawing. All the window building is taking place between these two lines. The clear background comes into play with the fps setting this is gets reset with every frame.
while not window_should_close():
draw_text(data, screen_width_center, screen_height_center, 15, GREEN)
Run the code from the example and see how it works, change settings to see a result break it and then fix it.