Tokenize Numbers with javascript
I have been working through some problems at Project
Euler mostly in C, but after dorking a
bit with javascript for another project saw a potential here.
This Function is very basic, num_token takes an integer of 121.
Integer is turned into a string with to "toString".
String is broken into tokens.
Extra step I have added is to parse the token at position 0 to have an int again, for later use.
`` function num_token(a){ var incr = 0; var token = a.toString(); var token_result = token.split(""); var t = parseInt(token_result[incr]); document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = t + ""; } num_token(121);``
And why is 121 interesting?
It is a Palindromic
Next step is to add a loop, and see how many Palindromic Numbers you can find under 1000.