Articles de Ed Rantanen :
Codewars test example
javascript simple animation
`` dx += 10; dy += 10;``
javascript with multiple circles having random colors
If you look at the random circles and the random circles with colors, a bit of refactoring can be seen with regard to the Math.random. Math.floor was added to round down the decimal to an integer. Also the sizing has changed, as you run refresh you can see …
javascript circle function
After creating a simple circle in the previous post, it is time to make a function so we can call it again and again and again (rince and repeat) you get the point. Since this is a circle, I am just worried about x & y co-ordinates on the canvas along …
javascript circle
I have been reading through a couple of books by, Sir Thomas L. Heath on Greek Mathematics. And had an idea that it might be fun to see if I could get some working geometric shapes going to represent several of the theorems.
One theorem of interest is by Thales …
Tokenize Numbers with javascript
IP Header: Bit fields.
This is an on going project with sniffing protocols.
Working my way through the IP header I started wonder why many of the structs have ihl before the version when in the rfc 791 it shows the version before ihl. This is the original struct I was playing with also …
argv & argc Scope Change
For a project that I am working on had to come up with a simple way to move argv/argc into a function for use with geopt in c.
This site has a great breakdown of how to build getopt C: getopt Example
Now I am looking at pushing it …