Nyble a Day

Articles de Ed Rantanen :

Codewars test example

Dans «coding» par Ed Rantanen
A couple of weeks ago a friend sent me a something to checkout, Codewars, after poking around a bit I thought it was pretty cool! And I did the first couple of bits in javascript (looking forward to when they implement c) but after that did not get any further …

javascript circle function

Dans «javascript» par Ed Rantanen

After creating a simple circle in the previous post, it is time to make a function so we can call it again and again and again (rince and repeat) you get the point. Since this is a circle, I am just worried about x & y co-ordinates on the canvas along …

IP Header: Bit fields.

Dans «network» par Ed Rantanen

This is an on going project with sniffing protocols.

Working my way through the IP header I started wonder why many of the structs have ihl before the version when in the rfc 791 it shows the version before ihl.  This is the original struct I was playing with also …